Inspiracja: Thyroid gland
Selen i jego znaczenie dla organizmu człowieka
Podobnie jak w przypadku jodu, pobranie selenu jest uzależnione od zawartości selenu w glebie. Ilość tego pierwiastka w glebie jest zróżnicowana geograficznie. Istnieją zarówno tak zwane obszary niedoboru selenu, jak i obszary o wysokim poziomie selenu w glebie. Republika Czeska, czy ogólnie Europa, jest jednym z obszarów o niskim stężeniu...
Despite the worldwide use of iodine supplementation, iodine deficiency remains a serious health problem in Europe. In 2004, it was estimated that approximately 2 billion people worldwide were at risk of iodine deficiency, about 20% were in Europe. Even though cretinism, the most extreme manifestation of iodine deficiency, has almost...
Boosting Testosterone Levels Naturally: Effective Strategies for Health and Vitality
Testosterone is the most important male hormone. It is an important regulator of many functions of both male and female, although men generally produce about 10x more of it per day than women. As men get older, their testosterone levels start to decrease by an average of 1% per year...